Saattaja // The Escorter

8.05.2012 - 20:42 / kahvisaukko.


//EEEEEHHH thanks to all of you, who  have given me nice feedback of  The Escorter!/ I’ve ben feeling good about my talent and the near future these days/ And to those of you, who were still interested in bying it: I’ll get the copies during next week, when Karri gets here. I can’t copy them myself, ’cause the system is pretty difficult that I need to have a connection to a certain computer and stuff… /But I’ll inform you about it briefly. You’ll hear from me soon!//


Ai niin ja pääsin Metropolian molempiin pääsykokeisiin WHIIIIII~

//Oh yeah and I got to the both entrance exams of Metropolia WHEEEEE~//

Kategoria: pitkis.

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