Tagiarkisto ‘paranoia’
* Tärkeitä asioita // Important things
Kirjoitettu 6.03.2013 - kahvisaukko. Kategoriassa SUURIA TUNTEITA.
//I realized something important about myself today. I know I’m very sensitive and easily get upset over the smallest misfortunes. / But I’m going to let things go even if they don’t go exactly my way. I just need to stop caring so much, unless of course it’s something very important to me. / You see, I used to be “too nice” and let people walk over me. That led to a mild depression so I had to give some space for myself. In other words find myself…//
// But this led to the fact that I felt quite bitchy. On top of this I still had my bad self-esteem and a foul mood. / And no matter how much they told me and I kept telling myself that “don’t mind about it” and “you’re worrying too much” I simply couldn’t get over it without the right state of mind. //
// But now I will build an iron will / and I won’t choose the path of pointless complaining //
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