Tagiarkisto ‘palovammoja’

* Oho, hups

Kirjoitettu 16.08.2013 - kahvisaukko. Kategoriassa Aiheeton.

No jos ois vaikka aika päivittää, kun spämmifolderissakin on 41 viestiä! Ei sillä, etten olisi näitä tehnyt, mutta jotenkin yliäänsä päivittäminen on jotenkin paljon suumerpi muuri…..

Anyhoo, tämäkin odotellut kansiossa jo oman aikansa. Pistän muitakin kunhan jaksan skannailla :Y

//Yup, been a bit of a long break with updating, since I haven’t drawn much either…/(I even lost my hair!)/ So sorry to those few possible ones, who missed these…seriously what do you see in these?/ The beginning of the summer was pretty much spent on stressing about where I get money. You know, the usual start of the summer for a student. / I also attended on an optional 3D course for Blender/ “Half the time I don’t know what’s going on, but this is kind of fun.”//




//Sure enough I got so exited about it that I transferred to 3D! Yaaaay! I thought it must be kind of crucial, since I want to make games./ And this one got already sunburnt this summer… It’s been deviously hot! So remember to use sun lotion!<3//

Eipä tuo ohjekaan ole enää kovin ajankohtainen, mutta bare with me :’D

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